What is Flor de Caña World's
Sustainable Champion Competition?
A global cocktail competition to raise awareness about sustainability within the bartending and cocktail enthusiast community and an education platform to learn about different sustainable ingredients and techniques. The global winner will win a trip to Nicaragua and a $10,000 cash prize.
Register your information and sustainable cocktail by April 30, 2024, 11:59PM EST.
Cocktail picture is mandatory and a short video is suggested.
Selection of Local Finalist
- A virtual panel of Tale of the Cocktails Foundation specialists will judge and select the semi finalists who will compete in the local finals.
- Semi-Finalists will be notified at least 10 days prior to in person local finals.
- All announcements will be made by May 15th.
Global Final
- Each local champion will win the chance at a trip to Nicaragua, $10,000 cash prize and the title of Flor de Caña's Sustainable Champion.
After you enter, think about sharing:@flordecanausa #flordecanausa #flordecanachallenge